1. Where I am From Poem ― Be creative and end with "welcome to ME" PDF EXAMPLE

  2. Carpe Diem poem PDF

  3. Judge Not (inspired by the Bob Marley song, and Mr. Tubach's tattoo) PDF

  4. Epitaph poems (X3, biographical poems as headstone inscriptions sketch: headstones

  5. Epistle Poem (letters in verse, addressed to a passion) PDF

  6. Reverso [osreveR] poem (can be read in reverse, sometimes with different meanings) PDF PDF sketch: arrows

  7. Honest Poem in the style of Rudy Francisco. START THE NEW YEAR WITH SOME HONESTY PDF

  8. Two-voice Poem (collaborative, Joyful Noise, Phoenix, Two Women, Partner Poems) Full, PDF VIDEO VIDEO

  9. Love poem, in the style of In-Q. LINK LINK

  10. Blues poem in the style of Langston Hughes, (rhyming triplets x3 AAA BBB CCC) PDF sketch: blue tear drops

  11. ​​Limerick in the style of Edward Lear (five lines, AABBA, A = 8-9 syllables, B-5-6 syllables) PDF

  12. Tanka (Japanese, 5-7-5-7-7, + personification, metaphor & simile) PDF sketch: Japanese characters

  13. Renga (Japanese, collaborative, 5-7-5, 7-7, 5-7-5, 7-7, 5-7-5, 7-7) PDF

  14. Wu-yan-li-shi (5 syllable lines, in the style of Chinese immigrants at Angel island) PDF sketch: Chinese characters

  15. Confessional Poem ("Mirror") in the style of Sylvia Plath PDF

  16. Occasional Poem, with inspiration from "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman PDF

  17. SLAM Poem. Make it count! Be expressive! In the style of YOU! FREE-VERSE (social awareness, criticism)

  18. I've Learned Poem in the style of Omer B. Washington. This is a "list poem" PDF

  19. I Am Poem (self-reflection, descriptive language, patterned, this will be "About the Author" page) PDF sketch: self-portrait

​"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." John Keating (Dead Poet's Society)


In addition to reading and analyzing poems, students will also explore poetry as literary agents. Students will write several original poems, then type and publish them in illustrated books for Spring Exhibition. Each student will need a .5" binder with a clear-view sleeve, and at least ten sheet protectors. There will likely be multiple opportunities to enter poetry contests, including Santa Clara Country Library and Skipping Stones multicultural literary magazine. Several CSMH students have been published and/or won cash prizes in the past. Details given in class.

Song analysis

Sevies tend to love music, so what better way to analyze text that includes strong themes, figurative language, and other important literary concepts? Each student will be able to choose from the provided list, or a song of their choosing, as long as it contains enough "meat" to be analyzed (must be approved). This is an MLA essay, with very specific requirements. Students must research, read and cite at least ONE article related to the song that they choose.